A: The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B: Each player answers the questions about themselves.
C: At the end of the post, the player then tags 3 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
10 Years Ago:Dave was in his last year of law school. Cade just turned one. I was working in the ICU as an RN around Dave's class schedule. I was dreaming of having my own washer and dryer so I would not have to walk across the parking lot carrying Cade and the clothes. I was rollerblading like a crazy woman pushing Cade in the jogger stroller from Moscow to Pullman and back (round trip 13 miles) We were eating at Rancho Viejo often with Lance and Laura!
Things on my to-do list today:1. Clean house, make beds, maid work
2. Hopefully get the kids off to school, without another snow day
3. Work out at the gym
4. Get oil changed
5. Spend time with 2 little ones while others are at school
6. Help kids with piano practice x2, violin x1
7. Transport kids to gymnastics & basketball
8. Try and figure out something clever for Valentine's Day
9. Go to my city league volleyball game - aghhh
10. Say hello to Dave before it is time for bed
What I would do if I were suddenly made a billionaire:Pay off our house/bills/student loans. Help out family members in need. Take family and friends on a fun vacation. Hire a maid once a week. Buy 50 yard sideline season tickets for Dave and friends interested in BYU football games. He could even attend the away games. Help out missionaries.
3 of my bad habits:1. I make this loud noise in my throat when I have an itch between my throat and my ears. It is the only way to take care of the itch! I sometimes wake up in the night making the noise especially during allergy season. Dave just loves awaking to that noise!
2. Yelling - enough said.
3. Eating too much sugar in place of food.
3 places I have lived:1. Amman, JORDAN (4 months only but hey I was a newlywed and separated at the same time-I'll explain more later).
2. Provo, UT
3. Moscow, ID
5 jobs that I have had:1. Picking out the Barley from Rye (or maybe it was the other way around) out of a farmers field. Needless to say I didn't last that long on the job. It was hot and hard to tell which one was which.
2. Waitress at Pizza Hut
3. Western Wats
4. Watching over a girl who was Autistic and had seizures.
5. RN
5 Things people don't know about me:1. My front tooth is fake do to a golf club accident when I was young. I wasn't even golfing.
2. I like to wash my counter clean and then I have to dry it. I don't like water marks dried on the counter.
3. I went to Amman, Jordan with 13 other girls for study abroad after I had been married a couple or years. At the same time, Dave started law school at a new school and lived with roomates who were DATING!
4. I am scared to death of heights!
5. I am a very bad liar
I tag:1. Marilyn
2. Cindy
3. Amber