It has already been 8 days since our new addition! Ty David Shirley was born on December 11th at 9:55 am. It was a special treat because it was Grandma Keller's birthday the same day. He weighed 6lbs 15 oz and was 21 inches long. (I will write more later) I had my friend, Sarah take these pics when he was 3 days old! I thought they turned out marvelous! How thankful we are for this new gift right in time for Christmas!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Welcome Ty David!
It has already been 8 days since our new addition! Ty David Shirley was born on December 11th at 9:55 am. It was a special treat because it was Grandma Keller's birthday the same day. He weighed 6lbs 15 oz and was 21 inches long. (I will write more later) I had my friend, Sarah take these pics when he was 3 days old! I thought they turned out marvelous! How thankful we are for this new gift right in time for Christmas!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Kid Pics
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
How smart they are!
Hailey was sitting by me holding our bunny and watching me fold laundry. She looked at me with her big brown eyes and innocent little face and asked, "Who do you hate more? Chandra the dog or the bunny?" I had to explain to her how I don't really hate them but don't like the naughty things they do like ruin my carpet, scratch my windows, and poop all over. Dave keeps reminding me that our dog is still just a baby! I'm on my way to having 2 babies!
Elf on the Shelf
Yah BYU!
It is always a good day when BYU beats rival Utah especially in OT! I had to go down to my friend Marilyn's house to watch part of the game because we don't have the right channel and Dave was already at the game. She surprised me with an early baby gift. A blue and brown fleece BYU blanket! I can't wait to wrap up our baby boy in this soft, big blanket!
Sunday, November 22, 2009
The Countdown Is On!
So the dog has been fairly well behaved until yesterday. I was at Cade's tournament all day and Dave was at work. Hence the girls were in charge. I came home to find the dog had been chewing on the edges of my new carpet and also made a couple of holes. I lost it and want the dog banned to the garage. So far I am losing this battle but I did get treated to Sunday dinner in bed with my favorite food - CRAB!
Over for now
Cade just played in his last tournament before 7th grade basketball tryouts in December. We have been to Logan 3 times in the past month for games. He has had great coaches and learned a lot these past couple of years. It helps that he has such great friends to play and hang out with. They are a good group of boys that we enjoy having in our home anytime!
Weekend Get Away
Dave really did have a good time hanging out with me even though he looks like he is being tortured. He just hates pictures and so I have very few of him!
Once a year Dave has Highway District meetings in Boise which means we get a few days together alone. We left the older kids home and brought the 3 younger kids to my parents home. What a wonderful break of sleeping in and just doing nothing! No practicing, car pooling, doing girls hair before school, or laundry! It was fun just being with Dave and remembering all the reasons I really love this guy!
Dinner Party
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Last weekend my mom, and 2 sister in laws, Jenn and Erin took off to Utah for a 3 day 3 night GIRLS TRIP! How fun it was once all the kid arrangements were made and we were together. I feel so lucky to have awesome sister in laws since I have no biological sisters. We had nothing planned but shopping, eating, and talking. I honestly didn't think we could shop for 3 days straight but we pulled it off easily! It got easier and easier to swipe that card! A favorite stop was Victoria Secret. Since I was 34 weeks pregnant I was happy to be the go getter and not the one trying on. We had some good laughs and made some good memories. We only went to 1 movie and then realized we should have followed Jenn's advice and not gone. I strongly recommend not seeing "The Box". It was anything but what I imagined it would be!

1st teenager!
Cade had a birthday, shout HOORAY! He turned 13! He is our first teenager! We surprised him with a shotgun that he has been saving for. Time is flying by. I love that Cade can be so laid back and not get razzled by his sisters bugging him continually. I love his smile with his dimple. I love his kind, sweet heart and willingness to help out. We are glad to have you as part of our family.
Random moments
Halloween sure flew by! Were so lucky to have good weather. I was expecting snow but instead got a million trick or treaters. My brother Derek came to stay the weekend with us. I put him to work helping me paint and pass out candy. Once again our road was blocked off by a policeman so no cars could get in the neighborhood. We had a steady stream of trick or treaters for 4 hours. We didn't even close our door. Hailey and Valerie passed out candy so eagerly at first. As they got tired they started sitting and barely peeking their hand out the door to drop in a piece of candy in each bucket. I had to send Derek out to get more candy so my own kids wouldn't have to continue to pass out all of their own candy. It was crazy and fun!
Cade had some friends over to watch scary movies. We grilled up some food and witch's brew. I think most of them got frightened by the Grudge because when we dropped them off at home they went sprinting in to their houses!

Thursday, October 29, 2009
Still Alive!
We have made it through most of October and have not even gone to the pumpkin patch, made sugar cookies, or taken pictures in the leaves! These would be our usual October activities but thanks to being sick on and off for 2 weeks and tearing up our main living area they have not happened! I still have 2 days left right! That might give me time to find costumes for kids and buy enough candy to hand out to 900 trick or treaters!
This is what I feel like doing most of the time but don't get to do enough. I have decided I really hate painting but more than that I hate painting on ladders balancing on one foot pregnant!
Weeks ago on Oct. 4th.
We came home from Utah to find SNOW! Even though it was dark and late, the kids had to go out and play!
Mikayla's turn for the BYU game. She didn't seem to mind the 5 1/2 car drive or not getting to the game until the end of half time. She was just happy to get TREATS and spend time with her DAD.
We came home from Utah to find SNOW! Even though it was dark and late, the kids had to go out and play!
Monday, September 28, 2009
Valerie turns 13, I mean 3!
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