Dave, Steph, Cade, Ashley, Mikayla, Hailey, Valerie, & Ty

We may not have it all together, but togeth
er we have it all.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Losing my mind?

I have decided that I am sick of the endless housecleaning. I clean but as soon as school gets out you would never know I did a thing! To top it off it all starts all over the next day. Does anyone know what I am talking about? How many hair clips/bows can a person try on in 1 day? Why does toothpaste always end up on the mirror? Today I was a very distracted cleaner. I started making my bed and the phone rang so I went to get it. Now I am in the other room (we only have one phone) and I notice I need to change the the wet clothes to the dryer. I then start emptying the dishwasher. Soon after beginning that project I have to change a diaper. On my way to get a diaper, I notice that my bed is still not made. By the end of the day I have done a whole bunch of half jobs!

I feel kind of guilty about my latest form of discipline. When Valerie goes down for a nap I know I have to really kick it in gear and get stuff done. Hailey usually is the only other one home at this time. She is not a TV watcher which can be a good and bad thing. Needless to say she ends up being my helper. But lately, she has been throwing whiney fits until she gets her way. I can't put her in time out in the house because she will wake the baby and then my precious time to get stuff done is gone. This is where the garage comes in. I have put her on the steps and closed the door until she is done having a fit. I am surprised how long these fits can last. Cade came home from school and was very concerned about her as she was lying in the middle of the garage floor rolling in the dirt and crying until someone could come and get her. Anyone have any better ideas?


Emily said...

Hilarious Steph! What is it about toothpaste and mirrors? And I confess, we have used the garage before. I'm not sure what else can be done when you don't want to wake up a sleeping baby...unless you want to tie her up and gag her! Just Kidding. Next time, post a picture of Hailey rolling in the dirt on the garage floor. I don't know if I'll believe it until I see it!

The Peterson's said...

I totally hear ya and I only have one! You must be wonder mom.

Erin said...

I so AGREE with you and the endless cleaning. It is a never-ending continuous cycle in our home too. Somedays I say that I am going to give up. No more cleaning, but then after awhile, I just can't take the mess and start up again. Not suprising, my kids are just as happy in a messy room as they are in a clean room.

Julie said...

I so have this problem! I 'll be brushing my teeth and notice my bed needs to be made so I will start that and proceed to dribble toothpaste all over my comforter! Then the phone will ring and I will still be brushing my teeth but heaven forbid I wait to answer it until I finish! It's cleaning ADD and I think I need medication for it. It also reminds me of that book "If you give a mouse a cookie." Do u know that one?

Julie said...

I have one more thought on cleaning. This is a saying I like... "cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the walk while it is still snowing." Fitting right?