Dave, Steph, Cade, Ashley, Mikayla, Hailey, Valerie, & Ty

We may not have it all together, but togeth
er we have it all.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Easter Fun

We started out Easter Eve with the annual easter egg hunt at the hospital. All five of our kids were in separate divided areas. It takes longer to find a parking place than the actual egg hunt. But it is a tradition that we do every year. Valerie was unsure what to do but ended up getting a few eggs. Hailey walked out into the field and sat down and put the eggs in the basket that were within her reach. This was the first year I remember only having to wear a jacket. There was no wind and we were loving it.
Our next destination was to Stokes the store. I think this will become a tradition. All the kids got to decorate easter eggs and take them home. What could be better! There was definitely less mess, not no mess but less. I did learn you can get orange egg dye out of pink clothes. Valerie couldn't stop playing peek a boo with the easter bunny and we got to get our shopping done.
The night before easter morning Ashley made signs with each of the kids' names and ages. She then put them out in front of the easter baskets. Too cute! Yes, the easter bunny did come and brought treats and swimming suits.

Sunday dinner was held outside with Dave grilling steak. It was actually a perfect day. Church went smooth. It was Valerie's first time in nursery!! I was the substitute so I got to go with her. She is the youngest but can definitely hold her own. She smacked one kid and then told another one "don't!" He was about to smack her and ended up doing so despite the loud "don't!" Dave and I even got to go on our first Sunday walk of the season.

Every night while tucking each kid into bed we ask them to tell us 2 good things that happened throughout the day. We started this a couple of years ago to help them focus on the positive things of life. It was interesting that on easter night none of them said that it was the goodies that the easter bunny brought. We had such a fun family day and got to finally be outside that those things won over!

1 comment:

Julie said...

I love grills and the fact that husbands and dads like them too. It's so nice to have hime cook once in a while and we all reap the benefits!