This week I asked each of the kids separately questions about their Dad. I loved hearing their answers. They each have a special relationship with their Dad. We all love you Dave/Dad and think you are the greatest!
Cade: When we do good in stuff.
Ashley: US!
Mikayla: When we all get along.
Hailey: Cleaning the table off and taking turns.
What makes Dad sad?
Cade: Work.
Ashley: When we disobey him.
Mikayla: When we yell at each other.
Hailey: When we don't do what he says.
What makes Dad laugh?
Cade: Funny things - doesn't laugh a lot.
Ashley: Don't know.
Mikayla: Funny jokes.
Hailey: Hearing something funny.
Valerie: Toys.
What is something Dad always says to you?
Cade: How was your day?
Ashley: I love you.
Mikayla: I love you, Sunshine.
Hailey: Be nice.
What was Dad like as a child?
Cade: He worked.
Ashley: Funny and active.
Mikayla: Nice.
Hailey: He liked blocks.
How old is Dad?
Cade: 39 (All three of them got it!)
Ashley: 39
Mikayla: 39
Hailey: Don't know.
Valerie: 6
How tall is Dad?
Cade: 6'0" (right on)
Ashley: 10 feet.
Mikayla: 6'0"
Hailey: A lot bigger than me.
What does Dad like to watch on TV?
Cade: News.
Ashley: UFC fights.
Mikayla: Basketball, football, and the weather.
Hailey: Dora.
Valerie: Sponge Bob.
What does Dad do at work?
Cade: Argue.
Ashley: Defend people.
Mikayla: Ask questions if somebody does something wrong like in court.
Hailey: Works.
If Dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
Cade: Work.
Ashley: Staying awake all night and driving.
Mikayla: Football coach.
Hailey: Cooking.
What is Dad's favorite food?
Cade: Steak.
Ashley: Steak.
Mikayla: Chicken.
Hailey: Chicken.
Valerie: Mustard.
What is Dad really good at?
Cade: Being a Dad.
Ashley: His job.
Mikayla: Lifting weights.
Hailey: Work.
What do you like to do with Dad?
Cade: Go camping.
Ashley: Play sports like basketball.
Mikayla: Go to lunch with him.
Hailey: Go get popcicles.
Valerie: Have him hold me.
How are you and Dad the same?
Cade: Both boys, both have blonde hair as kids.
Ashley: Same back muscles.
Mikayla: We have same curves in our feet.
Hailey: We both like Dora and Tom and Jerry.
How are you and Dad different?
Cade: I am skinnier than him.
Ashley: I am nine, he is a lot OLDER.
Mikayla: He has green eyes and I have brown.
Hailey: He can drive a car and I can't.
How do you know Dad loves you?
Cade: He says it to me.
Ashley: Because he is my Dad.
Mikayla: He tells me and gives me hugs.
Hailey: Because I am a little kid.
Why did Dad marry Mom?
Cade: He loves you.
Ashley: He loves you.
Mikayla: He thought you were nice and knows you don't do drugs or anything.
Hailey: Because you had a baby. (Not true - better work with her on that answer!)
Where is Dad's favorite place to go?
Cade: BYU games with me.
Ashley: BYU football games.
Mikayla: BYU football games.
Hailey: Cal Ranch where we got the baby chicks.
Valerie: California.
What does Dad want for Father's Day?
Cade: Good kids.
Ashley: A dog.
Mikayla: A big hug.
Hailey: A card.
Valerie: To go to church.
Stephanie, I loved your inverview/chat with your kids and their answers matched their personalities so much. We got quite a few chuckles along the way (I think Hailey has the new baby on her mind--but I think she was right about Dave marrying you so you could have beautiful children together. Tell her I will watch Dora with her when I return so I can speak Spanish better.) HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, DAVE!!! We so appreciate you for being such a wonderful husband and father. Your kids love you very much and they know you love them. That's a tender mercy is this day and age. How precious you all are!! Thanks for being YOU!
This is classic. We got a good laugh from some of the answers. Happy Father's Day Dave. WE can't wait to come and visit, maybe you can take us to Cal ranch?!?
This was so fun to read! I definitely need to ask some of my kids these questions....
What a cute idea! I love their answers too, seems like they know their dad pretty well. I love the baby answer, your mom is right, she must have the "new" baby on her mind. It's going to be a boy you know....or if not, more fun girly shopping for me!!!
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