This week I asked each of the kids separately questions about their Dad. I loved hearing their answers. They each have a special relationship with their Dad. We all love you Dave/Dad and think you are the greatest!
Cade: When we do good in stuff.
Ashley: US!
Mikayla: When we all get along.
Hailey: Cleaning the table off and taking turns.
What makes Dad sad?
Cade: Work.
Ashley: When we disobey him.
Mikayla: When we yell at each other.
Hailey: When we don't do what he says.
What makes Dad laugh?
Cade: Funny things - doesn't laugh a lot.
Ashley: Don't know.
Mikayla: Funny jokes.
Hailey: Hearing something funny.
Valerie: Toys.
What is something Dad always says to you?
Cade: How was your day?
Ashley: I love you.
Mikayla: I love you, Sunshine.
Hailey: Be nice.
What was Dad like as a child?
Cade: He worked.
Ashley: Funny and active.
Mikayla: Nice.
Hailey: He liked blocks.
How old is Dad?
Cade: 39 (All three of them got it!)
Ashley: 39
Mikayla: 39
Hailey: Don't know.
Valerie: 6
How tall is Dad?
Cade: 6'0" (right on)
Ashley: 10 feet.
Mikayla: 6'0"
Hailey: A lot bigger than me.
What does Dad like to watch on TV?
Cade: News.
Ashley: UFC fights.
Mikayla: Basketball, football, and the weather.
Hailey: Dora.
Valerie: Sponge Bob.
What does Dad do at work?
Cade: Argue.
Ashley: Defend people.
Mikayla: Ask questions if somebody does something wrong like in court.
Hailey: Works.
If Dad becomes famous, what will it be for?
Cade: Work.
Ashley: Staying awake all night and driving.
Mikayla: Football coach.
Hailey: Cooking.
What is Dad's favorite food?
Cade: Steak.
Ashley: Steak.
Mikayla: Chicken.
Hailey: Chicken.
Valerie: Mustard.
What is Dad really good at?
Cade: Being a Dad.
Ashley: His job.
Mikayla: Lifting weights.
Hailey: Work.
What do you like to do with Dad?
Cade: Go camping.
Ashley: Play sports like basketball.
Mikayla: Go to lunch with him.
Hailey: Go get popcicles.
Valerie: Have him hold me.
How are you and Dad the same?
Cade: Both boys, both have blonde hair as kids.
Ashley: Same back muscles.
Mikayla: We have same curves in our feet.
Hailey: We both like Dora and Tom and Jerry.
How are you and Dad different?
Cade: I am skinnier than him.
Ashley: I am nine, he is a lot OLDER.
Mikayla: He has green eyes and I have brown.
Hailey: He can drive a car and I can't.
How do you know Dad loves you?
Cade: He says it to me.
Ashley: Because he is my Dad.
Mikayla: He tells me and gives me hugs.
Hailey: Because I am a little kid.
Why did Dad marry Mom?
Cade: He loves you.
Ashley: He loves you.
Mikayla: He thought you were nice and knows you don't do drugs or anything.
Hailey: Because you had a baby. (Not true - better work with her on that answer!)
Where is Dad's favorite place to go?
Cade: BYU games with me.
Ashley: BYU football games.
Mikayla: BYU football games.
Hailey: Cal Ranch where we got the baby chicks.
Valerie: California.
What does Dad want for Father's Day?
Cade: Good kids.
Ashley: A dog.
Mikayla: A big hug.
Hailey: A card.
Valerie: To go to church.