Dave, Steph, Cade, Ashley, Mikayla, Hailey, Valerie, & Ty

We may not have it all together, but togeth
er we have it all.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ty with the matching Elf on a Shelf Hat

Elf on the Shelf Hat

What was I thinking? I let each of my 3 older kids have friends over for a Christmas party on separate nights and to watch the best ever Christmas movie, ELF! Each of them had a blast but by the third night of making treats I was tired. Cade had people over from everywhere that I didn't know. That is OK though because Ty and Valerie mingle right in with all the girls and boys and give me reports. Ty confiscated this Elf hat from one of the girls. He just looked so cute!

More pinterest treat ideas I used for parties! Kids loved making and eating these! (Hot chocolate stirrers and another type of reindeer cookie)

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