Dave, Steph, Cade, Ashley, Mikayla, Hailey, Valerie, & Ty

We may not have it all together, but togeth
er we have it all.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Are you sure?

After holding my phone up to the washer and having the repair man make a diagnosis, I was off in search of a new washer. I was hoping he could make an over the phone diagnosis so I wouldn't have to pay a service charge and still have to buy a new washer. I guess it was my lucky day but was it? Yah, I didn't have to pay a service charge but I did have to go buy a new washer. I would have much rather bought something fun like that computer desk I have been saving for but oh well at least I can catch up on 10 loads of laundry today. Ashley will be so happy to put on a clean shirt for her baseball game tonight instead of having to look through the dirty clothes again to find her baseball shirt that never quite got clean!


Sarah Stokes said...

Why is it, that we (women) always have the money in our hand for that special something we've been wanting, then BAM outta no where something we "need" goes out! It is so fustrating. This happened to you about 3 years ago...hmmm, dryer/or snow board :) At least the Shirley's can proudly walk out the door shiny and clean!

Emily said...

At least you have an excuse for dirty baseball shirts!