Dave, Steph, Cade, Ashley, Mikayla, Hailey, Valerie, & Ty

We may not have it all together, but togeth
er we have it all.

Friday, March 7, 2008


I came home the other day and this is all I saw on the floor. I touched the hair and it felt real. My stomach sank. I thought Hailey had cut off all her hair. She did just get a trim the other day in my kitchen and in the past after my girls get trims in the house they think it is okay for them to cut hair. Let us not forget Ashley (3 years old - 2 weeks before Cameron's wedding) she wacked off half of her head of hair to the scalp. It made me sick!!! Especially because we don't have very fast hair growing genes.

Luckily, and I mean luckily after talking with Hailey and inspecting her head she showed me her doll from Christmas. She said, "I just didn't want her to have bangs anymore." This had to all stem from Ashley getting her hair cut the other day and getting bangs. She had probably heard us discussing the matter. Ashley wanted bangs and I didn't want her to get them. I lost. Ashley got them but I must say the look cute on her.


Emily said...

Oh my Steph! I paniced when I saw the hair, too! I have been in that predicament one time too many! And it's usually real hair, not doll hair. When we first moved here, Syd chopped her long hair up to her chin on one side. (why is it they only do one side?) I'm happy for you that it wasn't Hailey's hair!

Marilyn said...

Oh my gosh! The one time I saw that on my floor it was real hair. Makenzie was about 3 and she cut it all over. All I could do was cry!! She still remembers my reaction. You are very lucky it wasn't real hair..I'll bet you'll have a real talk about that won't you! Thanks for hosting on Monday. It was GREAT!!! I sure miss you all!

Sarah Stokes said...

Luckily it has never happened in my home, but knock on would it still could my baby is only 2 still. I do remember my poor, poor Savana being 2 1/2 and having a shirley girl cut her hair. We found it in the garbabge. It wasn't that big of a strand, noticable, but not that big! Steph actually took at ALOT worse than I did. Remember hiding in the closet to gain control??? Crazy lady!

Erin said...

Steph, I gasped for you when I first saw the picture of the doll hair! Hurray that is was just doll bangs.